The Best Intentions

About the text
Script for television series, directed by Bille August.
400 p., loose sheets
Typewritten script. "Original" title page missing.
[787] sheets. ; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. Title page missing. Undated. Part 1: 485 p., part 2: 302 p. Titel handwritten on grey cardboard.
[84] p. ; 20 x 18 cm
Spiral notepad (notes from both ends). Dated: "The night of 16-17 Nov. - 19.11.76 Frid. morning 5 o'clock " [6] p. "Tues. 24.5.88. - Tues. 30.8.88." [67] p. On cover: "Best Intention. The Best Intentions, Night book" + draft of chapter disposition. 14 p. on 7 sheets; 18 x 11 cm
Den goda viljan, (Stockholm: Norstedts, 1991). Translated and published in several other languages.