Goldberg Variations
In order to stage George Tabori's piece complete with Bach and hard rock, Bergman chose the small stage at The Royal Dramatic Theatre, which facilitated his sought-after contact between stage and audience.

'A flashingly intelligent play.'Lars Ring, Svenska Dagbladet
About the play
Tabori's drama, part meta-theatrical farce, part Jewish morality play, is full of intertextual quotes and references to the Bible, Shakespeare, and Milton. On the farcical level it presents a rehearsal that ends in disarray; as a morality play, it depicts a series of disasters throughout the history of mankind where God has decided not to intervene.
As Christina Lundberg stated in Västerbottenskuriren, 'Seriousness shares the space with farce in a performance spiced with extravagant humor.'
- The Ingmar Bergman Archives.
- Johan Rabaeus, Mr J
- Basia Frydman, Mrs Mopp
- Inga-Lill Andersson, Teresa Tormentina
- Bibi Andersson, Ernestina van Veen
- Björn Granath, Jafet
- Hans Klinga, Masetto
- Mats Bergman, Raema
- Pierre Wilkner, Hanok
- Fredrik Hammar, Hamlet
- Virpi Pahkinen, Vasti
- Fanny Josephson, Ohola
- Daniel Carter, Guard
- Malin Edwall, Guard
- Henri Hanus-Haim, Guard
- Themba Tainton, Guard
- Per Cederin, Props
- Jenny Engdahl, Props
- Bengt Wanselius, Stills photographer
- George Tabori , Author
- Tomas Wennerberg, Stage manager
- Donya Feuer, Choreography
- Göran Wassberg, Costume design
- Jan-Eric Piper, Sound
- Pierre Leveau, Lightning
- Ulf Englund, Lightning technician
- Lars Lindberg, Lightning technician
- Johan Lindell, Music
- Johann Sebastian Bach, Music
- Leif Qviström, Make-up and wigs
- Eva Ekman, Make-up and wigs
- Peter Westerberg, Make-up and wigs
- Sofi Lerström, Producer
- Ingmar Bergman, Director
- Anna von Rosen, Assistant director
- Stefan Lundgren, Props
- Claes Snell, Master carpenter
- Roland Åblad, Master carpenter
- Antonia Pyk, Prompter
- Erland Josephson, Translation
- Ulla Åberg, Translation