After the Rehearsal

About the text
The script for the TV-film of the same title.
1-36, 38-47 p. loose sheets
Typewritten script with handwritten alterations.
53 p., loose sheets
Typewritten script, carbon copy, with handwritten alterations.
53 p., bound
Typewritten director's script with diary entries and handwritten pages.
[87] sheets. ; 18 x 22 cm + envelope
Handwritten script. Dated Fårö 5 August 1980.
[91] p. ; 20 x 18 cm + supplement
Spiral notepad. Dated: "Thurs.22.5.80 - Sun. 9. Nov. 80". On cover: "After the Rehearsal, Viktoria, A Spiritual Matter". Diary notes and script drafts. Supplement 1: "The Daughter", 4 handwritten sheets ; 18 x 22 cm.
Femte akten, (Stockholm: Norstedts, 1994). Translated and published in several other languages.