To the Audience! [Beppo the Clown]
Programme article for Beppo the Clown.

About the text
The Else Fisher referred to here by Bergman would later become his first wife.
I came into contact with Else Fischer [sic] at the very start of Sagoteatern’s operations, when she choreographed Topelius’ Bluebird. We got to talking, and came up with an idea for a kind of dance show for children. This would of course make for an interesting undertaking, as we had no way of knowing how Sagoteatern’s young audience would respond to this art form.
[2] sheets.
Handwritten notes for the speech, 2 sheets + Handwritten cast list by [Else Fisher?], [2] p. + carbon copies [3] sheets, + Proofs and printed program, [4] sheets.