The Day Ends Early
Bengt Ekerot directed Bergman's play for the radio.

'Ingmar Bergman calls his plays moralities and would probably call his films the same, if a film could imaginably be considered in the same light.'Herbert Grevenius
About the production
Ingmar Bergman was introduced in the Gothenburg City Theatre programme as a young man fascinated with the problem of man's relationship to the devil.
Reviews responded positively to Bergmans psychological skill as a playwright and his 'unscrupulous' dramatic dialogue, but felt that his plot structure revealed 'artistic helplessness', and a tendency to take facile shortcuts by moving the conflict to an abstract level.
- The Ingmar Bergman Archives.
- Jarl Kulle, Ole
- Elsa Prawitz, Valborg
- Karin Kavli, Jenny
- Mona Geijer-Falkner, Fia-Charlotta
- Inga Gill, The model
- Jullan Kindahl, Mrs Åström
- Anders Henriksson, Robert van Hijn
- Jan-Erik Lindqvist, Peter
- Toivo Pawlo, Finger-Pella
- Margit Andelius, Miss Wortzelius
- Björn Bjelfvenstam, Bachelor Jonsson
- Douglas Håge, Whole sale dealer Fredell
- Willy Peters , Doctor Värn
- Hugo Björne, Reverend Broms
- Ingmar Bergman, Author
- Bengt Ekerot, Director