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When Doris (Harriet Andersson) shows up an hour late for the photo shoot at Götaplatsen, she gets fired. As a consolation, her benefactor Söderby (Gunnar Björnstrand) first takes her out to a café and then to the amusement park Liseberg.
Doris (Harriet Andersson) loses track of time when Otto Söderby (Gunnar Björnstrand) takes her to elegant shops.
When Doris (Harriet Andersson) returns to Stockholm, she reunites with her fiancé Palle (Sven Lindberg).
Otto Sönderby (Gunnar Björnstrand): ’One does not accept gifts from elderly gentlemen without there being something mean in the situation itself. Let us be the first to break such a questionable convention.’
Marta Lobelius (Inga Landgré): ’Before you and Henrik met, I was terribly jealousy. I made Henrik suffer for it a lot. I was so afraid of lose him. Then I lost him. That burnet all my jealousy. It’s as simple as that. ’
Henrik Lobelius (Ulf Palme): ’We shouldn’t see each other again. It gets too complicated. We couldn’t cope with it. We musn’t lose face..’
The sole reason for making Dreams was for Bergman to get permission to film Sawdust and Tinsel. That the relationship with Harriet Andersson had just ended did not make things any better. Bergman later described the film as ’severely damaged by depressions.’
Marianne (Kerstin Hedeby-Pawlo): ’As far back in time as I can remember, money has been argued about in this house. It is your own special perversion. You are horribly cheap, it must be a disease. But I do not hate you. You disgusts me, I think you are ridiculous and and repulsive.’
Susanne Frank (Eva Dahlbeck) directs the fashion shoot as Doris (Harriet Andersson) poses.
Susanne Frank (Eva Dahlbeck): ’That girl’s always annoyed me with her laziness. I know her kind. Men, clothes and sex. No sense of honesty. Not ambition to learn. They just want the high life.’
Handwritten script for Dreams.
’Susanne lets them keep at it. She has sat herself down of to the side, hidden in the big black leather armchair.’ From the handwritten script for Dreams.
Shooting schedule for Dreams.
Page from Bergman’s shooting script.