[Engineer Holm's house]
Draft of a play about three siblings who pretend to perform a burial in Engineer Holm's garden.

From the text
They play a peculiar game: a burial. There is a lot of whispering. They have the feeling that neither mother nor father would approve of this game. But it is so different, so exciting.
Anna: Olle should play Göran.
Olle: No, I don't want to play dead.
Karin: As you're the youngest, you should play the one who dies. We'll be the mother and father burying you.
Olle: That sounds horrifying.
Anna: Oh, it's no big deal.
[4] p. 2 sheets; 21 x 17 cm
Handwritten draft of a play. Undated. Untitled, the script begins, "Engineer Holm's house, the garden". A story about three children pretending to perform a burial.