
About the text
"Score for an image medium" that would be made into a film directed by Liv Ullmann.
124 p., loose pages
Typewritten script with Ingmar Bergman's handwritten notes.
[141] loose sheets
Typewritten script. Dated: Fårö 28 August 1998. Pages 55-57 missing. Complemented with copies of handwritten sheets between p. 33-34: 5 sheets, p. 54-59: 6 sheets, p. 67-68: 3 sheets, p. 75-76: 4 sheets, p. 84-85: 3 sheets.
[195] sheets. ; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. Fårö 10 Sept. 97
[150, 136] p. ; 20 x 18 cm + supplement
Spiral notebook. Dated: ”Wed. 14.5.97 - 21.6.97". On cover: "Faithless. Score for a film.” Script drafts and diary notes: ”About fear, about tears and laughter”, script continues in enclosed notepad with missing cover + 1 blank notepad with titel on cover: ”Faithless. Score for an image medium.”
Not digitized: Letter, Fårö 1997-07-15 to IB from till Jakob [Lindberg] with supplement ”About custody battles 1997-07-15".
[42] sheets. ; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. Undated. No title: "Comment: I wish to say that I admire Marianne's patience." Order of pages unclear.
Föreställningar, (Stockholm: Norstedt, 2000). Translated and published in several other languages.