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Last Couple Out
Anita (Harriet Andersson) and Bo Dahlin (Björn Bjelfvenstam) agree that all parents should be locked up. The critics did not appreciate the film’s portrayal of young people: ’This Ingmar Bergman’s misrepresentation of the Swedish youth of today has not benefited from Alf Sjöberg’s direction. Sjöberg has a paternalistic, unanswered, love of the Swedish youth of today. He knows nothing about it [...]’.
Bo (Björn Bjelfvenstam) comforts a sad schoolboy (Göran Lundquist). The boy’s parents are divorced, and at the weekend he will have to see his father whom he hates. Bo tries to cheer him up, pointing out that Monday is just around the corner.
Bo (Björn Bjelfvenstam) together with his father (Olof Widgren).
Tense mood at home. (Björn Bjelfvenstam, Olof Widgren, Eva Dahlbeck, Jullan Kindahl).
Kerstin (Bibi Andersson) and Bo (Björn Bjelfvenstam). According to C B-n in the paper Dagens Nyheter, the two young actors were the film’s only real quality.
Rebellious students (Jan-Olof Strandberg, Hugo Björne, Björn Bjelfvenstam). Despite some similarities in setting and structure with Sjöberg-Bergman’s big success from the 1940s, Crisis, Last Couple Out was a box-office failure.
Typewritten script for Last Couple Out. The script was a reworking of Bo Dahlin’s notes regarding the parents' divorce from 1951.
Bergman’s handwritten script to the prose text Bo Dahlin’s notes regarding the parents’ divorce from 1951.
Last Couple Out