Media gallery for
A Lesson in Love
A Lesson in Love was the first of Bergman’s total of three erotic comedies, all starring Gunnar Björnstrand and Eva Dahlbeck in the leading roles.
David’s (Gunnar Björnstrand) daughter Nix (Harriet Andersson) unlike the adults, thinks love is disgusting.
Professor Henrik Erneman’s (Olof Winnerstrand) 73rd birthday is an idyllic family celebration.
Marianne (Eva Dahlbeck) and Carl-Adam’s (Åke Grönberg) wedding does not go according to plan, as David (Gunnar Björnstrand) and Marianne declare their love for each other.
David (Gunnar Björnstrand) and his mistress Suzanne Verin (Yvonne Lombard).
In the book Images Bergman thanks Eva Dahlbeck and Gunnar Björnstrand for the lesson in comedy: ’On my part, I was panic-stricken as I attempted for the first time to make a comedy. With overt confidence and great tact, they thaught me how I should go about it.’
Workbook no 15 includes a draft for A Lesson in Love.
Page from Workbook no 15.
Bergman’s shooting script for A Lesson in Love.
Swedish poster.
A Lesson in Love