Love Without Lovers
Rejected script for a fascinating meta-film.

“Note: this is the only existent copy in the entire world.”
About the text
Handwritten by Bergman on the last page:
This script was rejected by three impeccably conscientious producers. Their explanations varied but the basic message was the same: it’s impossible to make a movie from this material. Expensive. Would end in catastrophe. Self-destruction.
Eventually, I came to share their opinion and consigned my script to the archives, filed away under “Impractical Visions and Dreams.”
And that was that.
Sthlm 20 Dec 99
[291] sheets, bound ; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. No title page. Dated: Munich 4 March 1978.
[187] sheets ; 30 x 21 cm
Typewritten script. Dated: Munich 4 March 1978. (Red ring binder with writing on cover: “Note: this is the only existent copy in the entire world”).
130 sheets ; 30 x 21 cm
Typewritten script in English. Letter + 1 ex (copy).
7, 224 sheets ; 30 x 21 cm
Typewritten script. Letter. (Blue folder).
Föreställningar, (Stockholm: Norstedts, 2000).