Media gallery for
The Magician
Vergérus (Gunnar Björnstrand): ’ But miracles don't happen. It's always the apparatus and the spiel which have to do the work. The clergy have the same sad experience: God is silent and people chatter.’
Bergman instructs Åke Fridell (Tubal) during the filming of The Magician. Through his participation in about ten films and thirty theatre productions, Åke Fridell became one of the director’s most important supporting actors.
Lars Ekborg, Ingrid Thulin and Max von Sydow in The Magician.
A faithful rendition of an early Christian legend, or a malicious portrait of the conditions at Malmö City Theatre?
Vogler’s coachman (Lars Ekborg) and the maid Sara (Bibi Andersson) quickly take a liking to each other.
When Vogler (Max von Sydow) demonstrates magnetic hypnosis on the police superintendent’s (Toivo Pawlo) wife (Ulla Sjöblom), she immediately starts spouting humiliating truths about her husband
Swedish film program for The Magician.
In the book Images, Bergman writes about the relationship between the performers and their audience: ’In our profession we often suffer from the delusion that we are attractive as long as we are masked. The public believes that it loves us when it sees us in the light of our work and our public persona. But if we are seen without maks or even worse, asks about money, we are transformed into less than nothing. [...]’
Bergman himself contemplated the androgynous Aman/Manda(Ingrid Thulin) as The Magician’s focal point: ’It is around her and her enigmatic personality that everything rotates. Manda represent the belief in the holiness of human beings. Vogler, on the other hand, has given up. He is involved in the cheapest kind of theater, and she knows it [...].’
Toivo Pawlo (police superintendent Frans Starbeck) was a familiar face and voice in Bergman’s productions for Malmö City Theatre and the Swedish Radio Theatre during the 1950s.
In July 1846, five people travelled through a dark forest in a horse-drawn wagoon. The magician Vogler (Max von Sydow), his wife Manda (Ingrid Thulin), his old grandmother (Naima Wifstrand) and his auxiliary Tubal (Åke Fridell).
In the book Images Bergman writes about The Magician: ’The audience we played for, but did not socialize with, is represented in The Magician by consul Egerman’s (Erland Josephson) family. The consul is a friendly sheepish enthusiast who wants to keep distance and set rules and who naturally becomes horrified when he discoveres that his wife has been involved with the rabble.’
Workbook no 53 includes diary notes and thoughts about The Magician. Dated April 17th – June 4th, 58.
Bergman’s shooting script.
Page from Bergman’s shooting script.
Page from Bergman’s shooting script.
French film program.
Italian film program.
The Magician