The Petrified Prince

About the text
This is likely the manuscript Bergman in his notes from the period often refers to as "the porn movie". You be the judge:
Before the performance begins the Director steps in front of the curtain, calls for silence, clears his throat, speaks:
I beg your pardon, Ladies and Gentlemen, I really do apologize: the performance will soon begin, I won’t be long-winded, but feel compelled to make some sort of explanation, I know it’s not a very good way of beginning a film but I can’t think of anything better.
A crash interrupts the director. A picture has exploded on the curtain. It is very obscene: a man and a woman In the middle of a violent fucking. The walls shake, the draperies flutter, the chandelier vibrates, the bed undulates. It is a Homeric fuck.
[124] sheets, bound; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. Dated: Fårö, Sunday 30.11.75. Copyri[g]ht Cinematograph AB 1975. Alterations and deletions.
80 sheets (green ring binder)
Typewritten script. On cover: Hand drawn cross, in IB's handwritting: ""Buried on August 16, 1977. Never lived." Copyright Cinematograph AB 1975. Not digitized: Script, copy no 2.
The petrified prince : a film / by Ingmar Bergman ; transl. by Alan Blair.
54 sheets
Typewritten script + 1 copy (folio).