The Restless Heart
Three years after the production at Gothenburg City Theatre, Bergman returns to Jean Anouilh's play about the poor violinist Thérèse (Gertrud Fridh), who after a difficult upbringing can't bear to accept happiness when it finally comes her way.

About the production
Produced for Swedish Radio Malmö. No recordings remain.
- The Ingmar Bergman Archives.
- Gertrud Fridh, Thérèse Tarde
- Rune Turesson, Florent
- Georg Årlin, Hartman
- Oscar Ljung, Gosta
- Åke Fridell, Mr Tarde
- Naima Wifstrand, Mrs Tarde
- Nine-Christine Jönsson, Jeannet
- Dagmar Bentzen
- Gun Arvidsson
- Nils Fritz, Mr Lebonze
- Jean Anouilh, Author
- Stig Torsslow, Radio adaptation
- Ingmar Bergman, Director
- Gustaf Bjurström, Translation
- Tuve-Ambjörn Nyström , Translation