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Liv Ullmann (Eva Rosenberg) and Max von Sydow (Jan Rosenberg) during the filming of Shame.
Liv Ullman (Eva Rosenberg), Max von Sydow (Jan Rosenberg) and Gunnar Björnstrand (colonel Jacobi) during the filming of Shame.
Suspected collaborators are taken to a school and interrogated under torture.
Eva: ’Sometimes everything seems just like a dream. It’s not my dream, it’s somebody else’s. But I have to participate in it. How do you think someone who dreams about us would feel when he wakes up. Feeling ashamed?
Sven Nykvist and Liv Ullmann (Eva Rosenberg) during the filming of Shame.
Liv Ullmann (Eva Rosenberg) and Bergman during the filming of Shame.
Shame was the first film Bergman shot on Fårö after having settled on the island.
Katinka Farago, Bergmans ’right hand’, during the filming of Shame.
In Images, Bergman reflects on how he was very positive throughout filming, only to realize once the film was finished that it was not the film he had planned.
A very happy Bergman during the filming of Shame.
At most, 40 people were working on the set, including extras from Gotland’s coast artillery regiment.
Liv Ullman (Eva Rosenberg) and Max von Sydow (Jan Rosenberg) during the filming of Shame.
Shame is Bergman’s most explicitly political film, but the individual is still at the center.
Although Bergman was not entirely happy with the film, he did not find it a complete failure: ’Once the outer violence stops and the inner violence begins, Shame becomes a good film. When society can no longer function, the main character loose their frame of reference. Their social relations cease. The people crumble.’
The Rosenberg couple (Liv Ullmann and Max von Sydow).
Neither Jan (Max von Sydow) nor Eva (Liv Ullmann) takes much interest in the political development of the country, but Eva has a more robust and down to earth character.
Colonel Jacobi (Gunnar Björnstrand): ’This business of being an artist. Is is so nice now? Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Does it free you from all your obligations? You’re wrong.’
No one escapes the war. The boat heads out to sea but gets stuck in a field of floating, dead soldiers. The skipper steps overboard and drowns in the sea.
Page from Bergman's shooting script.
Page from Bergman’s shooting script.
Workbook no 23 includes script drafts for Shame, The Serpent's Egg and The Ritual. Dated December 2nd, 66 – August 2nd, 67.
Max von Sydow in Shame.
The film was initially supposed to be called Dreams of Shame.
Page from Bergman's shooting script.