[The Sunday Fisher]

About the text
Draft expanding on an old idea about an ice fisher who catches a talking pike.
Karin clasps her hands around her swollen belly. Her breasts have become heavy, and soon she will bring him forth into the world. Maybe he’ll be born without a head, the red flesh pouring with blood and afterbirth; or maybe with the brain in a membrane outside the skull; or with horns and a tail, or a furry back. Maybe he’ll have the face of a cat, or eyes full of pus, with sores covering his body. Maybe…
- Maaret Koskinen, I begynnelsen var ordet: Ingmar Bergman och hans tidiga författarskap, Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand, 2002, pgs. 300.
[5] sheets
Handwritten script draft. No title page. Possibly several drafts based on the same idea.