Sunday's Children

About the text
Manuscript later filmed by Daniel Bergman.
110 p., loose sheets + supplement
Typewritten script. Supplement 1: "Dialogue in bower", 3 sheets. Not digitized: 2 scripts.
[125] loose sheets
Typewritten script with handwritten title page. Dated Fårö 10 August 1990.
[269] sheets ; 18 x 22 cm
Handwritten script. Dated Fårö August 1990.
[89] p. ; 20 x 18 cm
Spiral notepad. Dated: "Tues. 5.6.90 - Thurs. 14 Aug. 90". Post-it note with title on cover: "Sunday's Children 9.5.90". Darfts and script notes.
Söndagsbarn, (Stockholm: Norstedts, 1991). Translated and published in several other languages.