Media gallery for
The Virgin Spring
1972, director Wes Craven would make an outright horror film remake with the title The Last House on the Left.
The coffee break was always an important feature of any Bergman’s shoot, a fact that the behind the scenes photos testify to.
The Virgin Spring was Sven Nykvist and Bergman’s second film together.
Bergman and Max von Sydow (mister Töre) during the filming of The Virgin Spring.
Karin (Birgitta Pettersson) with the neglected and hateful foster-sister Ingeri (Gunnel Lindblom), who is pregnant and unwed.
The skinny brother (Axel Düberg): ’We herd in the forest, sleep on the tussock, drink from the swamp, pull roots from the soil.’
Karin (Birgitta Pettersson) is supposed to ride to the church with Maria candles, but she has been out dancing all night and doesn’t want to get out of bed. Her mother (Birgitta Valberg) finally succeeds in cajoling her out of bed, promising that Karin can wear her finest clothes.
Shooting schedule for The Virgin Spring.
Page from Bergman’s shooting script.
First page in Bergman’s shooting script for The Virgin Spring.
The embryo for what would become Through a Glass Darkly can be found on the last page of Bergman’s shooting script for The Virgin Spring.
Danish film program for The Virgin Spring.
American film program for The Virgin Spring.
The Virgin Spring