Affiniteterna har påpekats förut, men med Lincoln så ska tydligen Steven Spielberg fortsätta visa upp sina bergmaninfluenser.
Spielbergs hommager till den kanske lite otippade förebilden började tidigt:
His theatrical debut, Duel (1971), in which a gigantic tanker menaces a car driver, features a moment in a gas station when suddenly the image, like the supposedly burning celluloid of Bergman’s Persona, blurs and runs.
Och har sedan fortsatt:
Minority Report (2002) opens with a sequence including shots, derived from Bergman’s Wild Strawberries (1957), which contrast foreground and background, light and dark on the two sides of the screen to emphasise a man’s estrangement from his family.
Bägge exemplen citerade från Nigel Morris fina artikel i ämnet.
Bilden ovan: © Dreamworks Pictures.