Skrivet 20 nov 2012


Affiniteterna har påpekats förut, men med Lincoln så ska tydligen Steven Spielberg fortsätta visa upp sina bergmaninfluenser.

Spielbergs hommager till den kanske lite otippade förebilden började tidigt:

His theatrical debut, Duel (1971), in which a gigantic tanker menaces a car driver, features a moment in a gas station when suddenly the image, like the supposedly burning celluloid of Bergman’s Persona, blurs and runs.

Och har sedan fortsatt:

Minority Report (2002) opens with a sequence including shots, derived from Bergman’s Wild Strawberries (1957), which contrast foreground and background, light and dark on the two sides of the screen to emphasise a man’s estrangement from his family.

Bägge exemplen citerade från Nigel Morris fina artikel i ämnet.

Bilden ovan: © Dreamworks Pictures.